February 2022

13 Amazing Castor Oil Benefits and Uses

Castor oil has been used by health care experts and folk healers for generations because of its various benefits.Various people believe that the ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the many uses and benefits of castor oil. Many people believe Cleopatra used the pale yellow liquid to brighten her eyes’ whites.Castor oil is easy to apply and gentle on […]

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body oil

Atrial Fibrillation Diet Tips

Doctor shares Atrial Fibrillation Diet Tips Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent heart rhythm condition in the world, with thousands of new cases being diagnosed every day. Can AFib Be Cured? To fully comprehend the solution to this issue, we must first define the term “cure.” My personal definition of a cure for atrial fibrillation is that the condition is

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Using Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated natural extracts extracted from plant leaves, blossoms, and stems. Inhaling essential oils is the most frequent way to use them, both for their beautiful aroma and their medicinal benefits. However, they can also be used in diffusers and humidifiers, as well as diluted and applied to the skin. Essential oils are used for a variety of

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essential oils

Sweet potatoes and Diabetes

Should diabetics eat sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes and yams are sometimes mistaken, however they are not from the same plant family. Both veggies, on the other hand, are abundant in carbohydrates. Starches and sugar provide energy, while fiber promotes intestinal health. Sweet potatoes are heavy in sugar, as their name implies; one cup (200 grams) of baked sweet potatoes has

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sweet potato

What you need to Know About Thyroid Health

Life Line Screening offers preventative health screenings simple and convenient, so people may learn about their risk of acquiring chronic disorders like thyroid disease before they develop symptoms. The thyroid is a little butterfly-shaped gland that sits just under your Adam’s apple. It makes two hormones that inform cells how much energy to utilize, regulating metabolism (the process by which

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thyroid health

Lose Weight fast!

A doctor from Japan recently leaked the formula of a secret Japanese tonic that BURNS fat from your frame faster than anything else discovered… Shady figures behind the scenes were scrambling to keep this formula hidden to protect the profits of the pharma and weight loss industries… But the doctor secretly leaked it to the brother of Susan Atlee, a

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Farm to table and sustainable food.

“As a food shopper, you have the unique opportunity to actively participate in molding the world that your children will inherit.” Today, it may seem as if the concepts of a farm to table movement or a sustainable food service are constantly being discussed. You’re probably aware that the ideas are intended to benefit the environment, but what precisely are

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farm to table

Vitamin D and Covid 19

According to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE, those with a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop a severe or critical case of COVID-19. The research is based on data from the first two coronavirus waves in Israel, which occurred before vaccinations were widely available. Vitamin supplements aren’t a replacement for immunizations, but they can

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covid 19

Screening saves lives- Life Line Screening

Reduce Stroke Risk with Our Stroke Disease Test. Get Peace of Mind & Early Detection. You can take Control of Your Health with Our Diagnostic Testing.  Read my story Learn more about Life Line Screening Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.1 One person dies

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Carotid Artery Screening - Life Line Screening

What Happens At a Life Line Screening Appointment

During a Life Line Screening appointment, the technician will examine your arteries for plaque build up so you can understand your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Using color flow ultrasound technology, the technician will measure the blood flow through your carotid artery. You can also get checked for peripheral artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation (AFib) and osteoporosis

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life line screening community locations


If you want to drop 10lbs in 10 days, you could…  1) Skip a bunch of meals, cut out all carbs and eat nothing but vegetables…  Or…  2) Have a metabolism-boosting drink first thing in the morning that only takes 4 seconds to make.  I don’t know about you, but the second option sounds WAY better to me.  Look, everyone

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