
Health Benefits of Moringa

Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. 

Moringa is beneficial for a wide variety of reasons and hence is sometimes referred to as ‘super food’. Moringa powder is often used to treat arthritis, anemia, asthma, cancer. You can consume moringa tea for constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy and stomach and intestinal disorders. Moringa also helps to deal with the headache, heart problems, and kidney stones, helps to lower high blood pressure, regulates the retention of fluid in our body and prevents bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections.

You may have come across moringa supplements, such as powders, capsules, and extracts while browsing the pharmacy and wondered whether you should add it to your diet.

Those supplements contain extract from moringa oleifera, also known as the horseradish tree, drumstick tree, and ben oil tree, which is native to India. 

Almost all the parts of the moringa oleifera tree, including the roots, seeds, pods, and leaves, have been used as food, traditional medicine, or animal feed since ancient times.

Read more about Moringa from WebMD

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