covid 19

Vitamin D and Covid 19

According to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE, those with a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop a severe or critical case of COVID-19.

The research is based on data from the first two coronavirus waves in Israel, which occurred before vaccinations were widely available.
Vitamin supplements aren’t a replacement for immunizations, but they can help boost immunity levels, according to the researchers.

Study finds over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

Another new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, almost 80% of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain exhibited vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is a hormone produced by the kidneys that regulates blood calcium levels and has an impact on the immune system.
Vitamin D insufficiency has been related to a number of health issues, while research into how the hormone affects other body systems is still ongoing.
Many studies show that vitamin D has a positive impact on the immune system, particularly in terms of infection protection.


Vitamin D Deficiency Testing

The vitamin D test uses with a simple, finger-stick blood sample, and fasting prior to the test is not necessary.

Your results will use the measurement of ng/ml, which is nanograms of Vitamin D for each milliliter of blood, and the report will indicate if your vitamin D level is considered abnormal low, normal, or abnormal high. Medical standards dictate that vitamin D levels between 30-100 ng/ml are in the normal range. Abnormal low vitamin D levels are results that are less than 30 ng/ml; abnormal high is anything above 100 ng/ml. Your report will also make a recommendation to follow up with your personal physician if necessary.

Dr. Berg offers a free course on How to Bulletproof your Immune System here


Vitamin D Blood Test Details

The human body uses Vitamin D to build and maintain bones, fight infection, keep the muscles functioning properly, and many other ways that researchers are just now starting to understand. Vitamin D also works in conjunction with magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, and other elements to ensure these elements are absorbed and available to the body. A vitamin D screening is simple and fasting is not required.

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